Individual Health Insurance

Ensure your own and your family's health and safety by obtaining an individual health insurance plan that is within your budget.

Have gaps in coverage left you looking for a health plan?

Individual Health Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

  • Individual health insurance is an important way to protect yourself from unexpected medical costs. Health insurance plans can help cover the cost of doctor visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs, and other medical expenses, ensuring that you are prepared for any eventuality without putting a strain on your wallet. This puts you in control of your individualized healthcare, allowing you to make decisions about your well-being with the assurance that you have the financial security to do so.

  • Individual health insurance works by providing financial protection against the cost of medical care. The policyholder pays a monthly premium to their insurer in exchange for coverage of certain medical costs.

  • Individual health insurance costs are determined by several factors, including age, location, type of plan chosen, and the level of coverage desired. Generally speaking, younger people tend to pay lower premiums than older people due to their lower risk profile. Location also plays a role in determining premiums since healthcare costs vary from state to state.

  • Individual health insurance plans typically cover doctor visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs, emergency services, preventive care services such as vaccinations and screenings, and mental health services. However, the level of coverage may vary depending on the plan and specific benefits chosen.

Affordable Individual Health Insurance

Be covered and ready to face illnesses or injuries in the most cost-effective way by taking out an individual health insurance plan. Enjoy benefits such as more hospital selection, quicker access to appointments and treatments, as well as the ability to pick your own doctor or specialist for diagnosis or care if needed.